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Latest revision as of 22:49, 4 January 2013


I recently needed to expand the scope of the OpenVPN gateway I administer to allow clients to have very limited access over it to a server on our network while still allowing certain employees more access. I did an initial quick and dirty config using client-config-directories but I wasn't satisfied with that from a maintenance point of view. This page will document my improved approach, using learn-address and client-connect scripts.

The Design

I wanted to add the concept of 'profiles' to OpenVPN to allow me to assign users access depending on their certificate's common name. I also wanted it to be scripted using only OpenBSD's shell commands so that no additional software with possible security holes or upgrade issues could interfere with the VPN's operation.

I have 2 configuration directories: profile and profileoptions. Profiles contains a set of files, each representing a profile. Each Profile file contains a list of common names, each on a new line, that delineates who is a member of that profile. A common name can only appear in one profile file at any one time, multiple matches are an error.

The other directory, profileoptions, contains the openvpn options for that profile. These can be any of the following openvpn config directives: push, push-reset, iroute, ifconfig-push and config. See the OpenVPN Man Page for further details.

The Scripts



# This is an openvpn client-connect script that pushes routes or other
# openvpn client config stuff to a newly connected client depending on
# their detected 'profile'.

# $1 is tempfile
# everything else is passed via environment variables. common_name is
# all we care about in this script.

Profiles=`grep -l "^${common_name}$" profiles/*`

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "$0: No profile match for ${common_name}"
        exit 1

MatchCount=`echo $Profiles | awk '{ printf "%d", NF }'`

if [ $MatchCount -gt 1 ]; then
        echo "$0: Multiple profiles matched for ${common_name}, this is bad"
        exit 1

Profile=`echo $Profiles | awk -F / '{ print $NF }'`

if [ -f $ProfileConfig ]; then
        echo "$0: Client ${common_name} configured using the ${Profile} profile"
        cp $ProfileConfig $1
        echo "$0: Config for profile $Profile not found"
        exit 1



# This is an openvpn client-disconnect script that deletes client IP
# addresses from PF tables on client disconnect.

# everything is passed via environment variables. common_name and
# ifconfig_pool_remote_ip are all we care about in this script.

Profiles=`grep -l "^${common_name}$" profiles/*`

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "$0: No profile matched for ${common_name}"
        exit 1

MatchCount=`echo $Profiles | awk '{ printf "%d", NF }'`

if [ $MatchCount -gt 1 ]; then
        echo "$0: Multiple profiles matched for ${common_name}, this is bad"
        exit 1

Profile=`echo $Profiles | awk -F / '{ print $NF }'`

echo "$0: Deleting user ${common_name} at ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip} from PF table ${Table}"
sudo pfctl -t ${Table} -T delete ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip} > /dev/null



# This is an openvpn learn-address script that modifies PF rules dynamically
# and supports 'profiles' to allow you to manage client connections without
# the headache of assigning static IPs.

# $1 is add/update/delete
# $2 is IP/Subnet/MAC
# $3 is certificate's common name

if [ $1 == "delete" ]; then
        Tables=`ls profiles/* | awk -F / '{ printf "vpn%s ", $NF }'`
        echo "removing $2 from PF tables ${Tables}"
        for Table in $Tables; do
                sudo /sbin/pfctl -t ${Table} -T delete $2
        exit 0

Profiles=`grep -l "^${3}$" profiles/*`

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "$0: No profile match for $3"
        exit 1

MatchCount=`echo $Profiles | awk '{ printf "%d", NF }'`

if [ $MatchCount -gt 1 ]; then
        echo "$0: Multiple profiles matched for $3, this is bad"
        exit 1

Profile=`echo $Profiles | awk -F / '{ print $NF }'`

if [ $1 != "add" ]; then # if we're updating
        echo "$0: Deleting user $3 at $2 from PF table ${Table}"
        sudo /sbin/pfctl -t ${Table} -T delete $2 > /dev/null

# delete doesn't get this far
echo "$0: Adding user $3 at $2 to PF table ${Table}"
sudo /sbin/pfctl -t ${Table} -T add $2 > /dev/null

Service Configuration


You'll have to allow the user openvpn is running as (in my case _openvpn:_openvpn) to add/delete from the vpn PF tables. Here's how I did it:

_openvpn ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/pfctl -t vpn* -T add *
_openvpn ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/pfctl -t vpn* -T delete *


You'll need a couple of config options turned on in your openvpn server conf:

learn-address ./learn-address.sh
client-connect ./client-connect.sh
client-disconnect ./client-disconnect.sh
tmp-dir /tmp/openvpn

You'll want to make sure openvpn can write to its tmp-dir.

Also, I recommend you add explicit-exit-notify to your openvpn client configs, otherwise ip addresses can persist in the pf tables for a while after a client disconnects.


Do not configure empty tables for the vpn profiles or the tables will be emptied on pf.conf reload. Your firewall rules can safely apply to tables created at runtime.