HAR File Format (.AF)

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The AF files contain all the information related to HARs; sprites, key-combos, projectile sprites, base damage, etc. The format is not entirely understood but a large portion has been dissected and understood. All AF files are broken up into the following sections:

Fighter Header

This contains the basic data about the HAR. Unmodified speeds, endurance, power, etc.

HAR Number 1 WORD Must be the same number as in the filename eg: FIGHTR1.AF
Unknown Data 2 bytes ? Always 10
Endurance 4 bytes Max is 548,801,280. Above or below that results in permanantly stunned state. Multiplied by 3.6 after loading
Unknown Data 1 byte ? Always 1 or 2
Power 1 WORD Damage Resistance, max is 8717.
Forward Speed 1 signed DWORD Speed at which the HAR moves towards opponent
Backward Speed 1 signed DWORD Speed at which HAR retreats from opponent
Upward Speed 1 signed DWORD Initial jump speed, this should be negative
Downward Speed 1 signed DWORD How quickly the HAR falls while being airborne, should be positive
Unknown Data 1 byte ? Always 0x32
Unknown Data 1 byte ? Always 0x14


When reading in an animation, check if the next byte (the Animation Number) is less than 70. If its not less than 70, read in the fighter footer instead.

Animation Number 1 BYTES Unique Identifier for animation (less than 70), end of animations (>= 70)

Animation Header

Unknown Data 8 BYTES Zero padding?
Overlay Amount 1 WORD TODO
Frame Count 1 BYTE How many frames in this animation
Overlay Table N DWORDS TODO

Animation String Header

String Length 1 WORD Length of the string
String N BYTES Animation string
Unknown Data 1 BYTE Nul terminator
Number of Extra Strings 1 BYTE How many other animation strings there are

There then follow N extra animation strings, where N was the number specified in the Animation String Header. The extra strings are stored as follows:

Extra Animation Strings

String Length 1 WORD Length of string
String N BYTES Extra Animation String
Unknown Data 1 BYTE Nul terminator


There then follow N sprites, where N is the frame count specified in the animation header, followed by the animation footer.

Sprite Header

Length 1 WORD Length of sprite
Width 1 WORD Width of the sprite, in pixels
Height 1 WORD Height of the sprite, in pixels
Index 1 BYTE Index of the sprite in already-loaded images table
Data missing 1 BYTE See below

For animations 12, 13 and 14, the index field will be treated as if it were 0. If the index is 0, the data missing field will be treated as if it were 0.

If the data missing flag is zero, the sprite data will follow the sprite header, as length BYTEs. In either case, element index of the sprite reuse table is consulted. If that element is present, or if no graphics data were present in the file, the data from the sprite reuse table are used. Otherwise, that slot in the table is filled with the image data just read from the file.

Sprite Data

The sprite data is decoded thusly:

  • Initalize X and Y to 0
  • Read 1 WORD as P
  • Modulus P by 4 to get OPCODE
  • Integer divide P by 4 to get DATA
  • Compare the OPCODE against the following and take that action
  1. Set X to DATA
    • While DATA is greater than 0
      • Read 1 BYTE
      • Store that byte as the pixel at X,Y in the sprite
      • Increment X
      • Decrement DATA
  2. Set Y to DATA
  3. End of sprite data

Animation Footer

The first 21 bytes of the animation footer have an unknown purpose. Some possiblities are listed.

Unknown 1 1 BYTE
Unknown 2 1 BYTE
Unknown 3 1 BYTE Seems to be related to airborne attacks, possibly constraints for positioning (near wall, etc)
Unknown 4 1 BYTE
Unknown 5 1 BYTE
Unknown 6 1 BYTE
Unknown 7 1 BYTE
Unknown 8 1 BYTE
Unknown 9 1 BYTE
Unknown 10 1 BYTE
Unknown 11 1 BYTE
Unknown 12 1 BYTE
Unknown 13 1 BYTE Next animation to play?
Unknown 14 1 BYTE
Unknown 15 1 BYTE Animation categories
Unknown 16 1 BYTE Stamina damage?
Unknown 17 1 BYTE Seems to be related to throws, maybe velocity of victim?
Unknown 18 1 BYTE Damage (Value divided by 2.0)
Unknown 19 1 BYTE
Unknown 20 1 BYTE
Unknown 21 1 BYTE ? Multiplied by 4 after loading
Move String 21 BYTES Move String NULL terminated (trailing data after the first NULL seems to be reusable to label animations)
Footer String Length 1 WORD Length of footer string
Footer String Length N BYTES Footer string

Fighter Footer

Junk? 30 BYTES The first 9 bytes of this are always 0. Bytes 0x19-0x1B are ignored and overwritten.

Magic Numbers

To check if a file is a valid AF file, there are 2 magic sequences you can check for:

  • Seek to the -31st byte (the 31st byte before the end of the file). The value MUST be 250.
  • The last 5 bytes in the file are the string 'FGHED'. This is the case for all known AF files.